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Package buildbot :: Package steps :: Module python_twisted :: Class TrialTestCaseCounter |
--+ |LogLineObserver
--+ | TrialTestCaseCounter
Method Summary | |
This will be called with complete stdout lines (not including the delimiter). | |
Inherited from LogLineObserver | |
| |
This will be called with complete lines of stderr (not including the delimiter). | |
This will be called with chunks of stderr data. | |
This will be called with chunks of stdout data. | |
Inherited from LogObserver | |
| |
| |
Class Variable Summary | |
bool |
finished = False
int |
numTests = 0 |
Inherited from LogObserver | |
Implements |
__implemented__ = <implementedBy buildbot.process.builds...
ClassProvides |
__providedBy__ = <zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvi...
ClassProvides |
__provides__ = <zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvide...
Method Details |
outLineReceived(self, line)This will be called with complete stdout lines (not including the delimiter). Override this in your observer.
Class Variable Details |
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Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Dec 10 22:04:45 2006 | http://epydoc.sf.net |